.Net and Team System News - Nadège DEROUSSEN

mardi 5 septembre 2006

Template pour VS2005

Scott Guthrie nous montre comment créer des templates de projets ou d'éléments sur son blog :

One of the cool new features in VS 2005 that I was playing with a little today is the ability to export and then re-use project item templates. This enables developers to easily define common templates that they can re-use over and over when adding new pages/classes/controls into web projects or class libraries, and avoid repetitively typing standard content or code.

Defining Custom Item Templates in Web Projects with VS 2005
Tip/Trick: Creating Re-Usable Project and Item Templates with VS 2005

XML Notepad 2006

Microsoft propose un éditeur simple et rapide pour créer t éditer des documents XML.

Pour en savoir plus : XML Notepad 2006

Developing 3 tier web sites in ASP.NET 2.0

Un article sur le développement d'application 3 Tier tiré de site : DotNetBips

Many months back I wrote a series of articles that explained in plain words N-tier application development. The series can still be found at:

N-Tier Applications and .NET N-Tier Applications and .NET: A Simple Example N-Tier Applications and .NET: Achieving Isolation between DAL and BOL N-Tier Applications and .NET: Achieving Isolation between UI and BOL Then came .NET 2.0. Many things changed especially for ASP.NET. So I decided to write a sequel to the earlier series specifically for ASP.NET 2.0. This article will explain how a typical 3-tier architecture can be used in ASP.NET 2.0 with the help of Generics based collections and Data Source Controls. Note that the article aims at showing a simple 3 tier architecture and not at teaching you generics, data bound controls and data source controls.

Source de l'article : Developing 3 tier web sites in ASP.NET 2.0